What violence does

These things are hard to think about. They are painful to feel. They engender confusion and rage.  After the shooting at the Gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin two weeks ago, I have found it so difficult to think about the incident and the aftermath. I can’t seem to intellectualize the story without thinking about what […]

For Whites Who Consider Being Allies But Find it Much too Tuff

Trigger Warning: Some language about sexual violence to follow. The following post is a crunk public service announcement for our own post most racial times. For the record, being a white ally means… Not expecting your friends/colleagues of color to do the heavy lifting around your own privilege… Not recentering the conversation back to yourself […]

Throwback Thursday: Dear Patriarchy…

    On this “Throwback Thursday,”  I wanted to revisit one of Crunkista’s earlier posts–a kick-ass kiss-off letter to patriarchy. I think it’s eternal in relevance and general crunkness. Enjoy! ***************************************************************************************************************************** Dear Patriarchy, This isn’t working. We both know that it hasn’t been working for a very long time. It’s not you…no actually, it is […]