Hey everybody! We started the Crunk Feminist Collective blog 11 years ago this month! And what a ride it has been. As a Collective, we have lived through the rise and the fall of the feminist blog. But never count a movement’s writers and thinkers out. We’re back and better than ever! I mean we […]
Author: crunktastic
Putting On the Mask: A Holy Week Reflection
Putting On the Mask: A Holy Week Reflection John 18:38 (cf. Isaiah 59: 12-15) It’s Holy Week in Christendom. This is the week we live for, the week we celebrate our foundational myth, about Jesus the Christ, who ended a three-year ministry of radical, feather-ruffling, temple-table-turning love, nailed to a cross, being executed by the […]
Crunk Love Letters for Stacey Abrams
It is our tradition at the CFC to write love letters to comrades and friends-in-struggle. Stacey Abrams is certainly that. And because she is a Southern Black girl and the CFC began as a Southern (ATL-based) feminist project, we thought it befitting to send some CRUNK love her way. Dear Stacey, Two years […]
Biological Clocks and Balldrops: A New Year’s Reflection on Black Women’s Time
I spent New Year’s Day re-reading A Wrinkle A Time, a book I first encountered in middle school. I have been invested in re-reading the book both because I’m eagerly anticipating Ava DuVernay’s forthcoming rendition of the movie, with a mixed Black girl as protagonist. But I also wanted to read it because I have […]
Pussy Don’t Fail Me Now: The Place of Vaginas in Black Feminist Theory & Organizing
#1 – I was on a plane heading to give a talk about the Movement for Black Lives when I felt menstrual blood beginning to leak through the seat of my jeans. Everyone who menstruates knows the dread and fear that happens when they can’t control this bodily function that by our age has been […]
4 Reasons Why Black Women Should Reject Purity Culture
I spent my twenties in Atlanta working on and earning a Ph.D. Becoming a grown-ass woman in that city in the early to late aughts (2003-2009) was hard on my self-esteem and my love life. Atlanta is one of those fabled cities for Black middle class women and wannabes. With all the wonderful chocolatey […]
Connect The Dots: For Korryn Gaines, Skye Mockabee and Joyce Quaweay
Since Friday, there have been stories of three Black women killed by acts of state-sanctioned and intimate partner violence. Those are just the three we lost this weekend, that we know about, but I’m sure there are others. On Friday in Philadelphia, Joyce Quaweay’s partner stripped her, handcuffed her, and beat her to death while […]
Black Girl Is a Verb: A New American Grammar Book
In her famous essay, “Interstices: A Small Drama of Words,” the venerable literary critic Hortense Spillers wrote, “Black women are the beached whales of the sexual universe, unvoiced, misseen, not doing, awaiting their verb.” At the time, Spillers was talking about the lack of texts about Black women’s sexuality and the lack of a collectively-honed […]
Say No to Noteps and Straight Black Pride
This evening, at the National Black Theatre in Harlem, a group of fools who have convened themselves as the Straight Black Pride Movement will be hosting a press conference to shame and antagonize Black queer people under the guise of defending the Black community. Several weeks ago they enlisted the NBT to host a […]
#WeSeeYou: With CRUNK Love and Support for Prof. Zandria F. Robinson
We write today as group of over 100 black writers, readers, artists, thinkers committed to justice and intellectual inquiry. We have taken time away from our scholarship, research, teaching, activism, and other life-affirming practices to assist in smothering the fire that threatens to engulf the entire academic industry. We are wholly aware that the American […]