Over the summer, while I was visiting Crunkadelic, she and I ended up brainstorming methods for positioning oneself at an optimum angle for penetration in the missionary position. Yes, that means what you think it means. #selfcareisnotagame
For professional Black and Latino women (source) who are often dogged by long periods of forced celibacy, “getting it in” cannot be merely a declaration. Sometimes there needs to be a pragmatic conversation about how to, um, get it in and keep it in.
At some point, we thought that perhaps a pillow under the bottom could provide that extra lift, and since nothing is new under the sun, we figured that some sex guru had already invented such a pillow. If you’re searching for costa rica sex apps, you may click on the link.
A Google search confirmed our suspicions.

So I thank/blame Crunkadelic for putting me on to the Liberator wedge and ramp and all the other goodies that they boast at their website.
You can imagine then that it was a pleasant surprise to discover via my FB newsfeed (which is how I find out most things worth knowing these days) that three of the cast members of the Real Housewives of Atlanta visited the newly opened Liberator Store in Atlanta on the premiere episode.
Now I was busy watching #BlackGirlsRock, on BET.

And we do rock, in case anyone was wondering. S/N: I was pleasantly surprised to see the embedded layers of social critique within the program—discussion of the prison industrial complex (from the venerable Angela Davis), discussions of sex trafficking of Black girls and women, and of course, a range of challenges to the paucity of representations of Black female subjectivity in media.
Back on FaceBook, one of my male friends remarked on the alleged contradiction of having Black Girls Rock on at the same time as RHOA. In my estimation it was a failed analogy, unless, the argument is that Black women should only be center stage on one channel at a time, or that we can’t be both fabulously fly and outrageously over-the-top at the same time. Now I agree that if there is a such thing as authentic representation, it is probably somewhere in between the hyper-positivity of BGR and the hyper-negativity of RHOA.
And while I stopped watching RHOA for all the obvious reasons after season 1, I found Sheree, Kandi’s, and Phaedra’s trip to the sex store important for a couple of reasons. Check out the insta bang review score to see how it ranks among other dating apps.
1.) Black women are pro-sex, notwithstanding the bad reps we get as denizens of respectability. And as others have said, since Black feminist sex is the best sex ever, I need Kandi to make it happen with her sex toy line. Every grown woman needs sex toys.
2.) If you want to have better sex, you should discuss it with your homegirls. I’m serious! Frankly, I would venture to say that the good sex I have had is as much a result of “consultations” with my homegirls as it is a result of the skills sets of my chosen partners. It is my girls who have encouraged me to be bold in asking for what I want and to try new things like starting to watch live porn of cam models at a livefreecams site. They also disabused me of my investment in being a good girl in the bedroom, helped me to know what is “normal” (namely anything that I and my partner willingly desire and consent to do) and what is not acceptable (e.g. being used as a partner’s masturbation machine, being pressured, and being in pain [BDSM isn’t my thing]).
Me and my girls routinely have intense conversations about our intimate lives, what it looks like to have the kind of sex we want to be having in our 20s, 30s, and 40s, and the nuts and bolts of the acts, when necessary. I have helped homegirls plan whole seduction schemes from the lingerie to the breakfast menu, and they have reciprocated. When it comes to getting it in, my motto is be intentional. If you want something more casual, you can click here for live sex.
So of course, I was slightly offended when one of my FB friends had the nerve to question why anyone would need a pillow during sex. It reminded me that in a culture which privileges smaller body types, it rarely enters into the purview of the slim (and the able-bodied), that all bodies can’t and don’t and don’t want to have sex in the same ways. Because fat people aren’t seen as sexy, most folks think that fat people aren’t having sex, or at least not good sex. Lie Number One. Truth: The Overweight Lovers are in the house! (Much love and RIP to the Original Overweight Lover Heavy D.)
And Lie Number Two comes from big girls who are fronting and faking like sex happens for us in the same ways as our skinny counterparts. Yes, there are some big girls who are flexible and acrobatic, and they are my sheroes. But it’s not a leap to recognize that physical acts work differently on bodies that are 120 or 150 pounds versus bodies that are 250 or 300 pounds. Can we be real about that? Extra weight requires extra creativity about most things, from fashion to sex. And ain’t no shame in admitting that.
So if the Liberator pillow (or any other similar product or strategy) can offer support for F.A.T. (fabulous and thick) girls or people with disabilities who may be less flexible or need additional support for the elbows or the posterior, then I say get free! Trust I will be getting free as soon as freedom is in the budget. This weekend when I head to Atlanta for NWSA, I got two words for y’all: field trip!
And let me say it one more time: #blackgirlsrock!
Thank you for posting this! In Ottawa (Canada), we’re doing for the first time, a set of events centred on sexualities, resistance and reclamation within the Black and people of colour communities and of course, there’s been some resistance. Not just from the elders but particularly from folks our age who view these discussions as solely private matters. We’re not advocating that everyone go out and have sex! (though to each its own) BUT we’re also not advocating that we keep these discussions behind closed doors and constantly frame them within heterosexist, colonial frameworks. We intend to politicize and problematize how we (black and POC) have continuously (de)valued our bodies, minds and sexualities and accepted the effed up stereotypes placed on us. So your post was refreshing on so many levels. Shameless plug: if you want to check out our events, visit our blog at http://www.wocinsol.wordpress.com 🙂
OMG, I want one of those of those things!
lovingit.com. This is why I roll wit you. This is great. Field trip indeed.
I have both of these and the cylinder that they sometimes include in a package deal – definitely recommend it, regardless of your body type and size. I’m fairly fit, and these just work for hitting better angles.
Speaking of toys, Liberator also makes a wedge-shaped pillow that is designed to work with the Hitachi Magic Wand – good times had by all!
Side note, the company also offers a military discount!
WooHoo! Freedom! The best contraption out there. Really!
Your FB friend should get DVR!
Thanks for this post! I’d heard of this pillow long ago. Interestingly, as an athletic and slim chick, I’ve always liked the use of a pillow myself. I still haven’t tried out this one, but it’s a good reminder. Awesome!
Speaking of Lie Number 2, please direct your attention to “Big Big Love: A Sourcebook on Sex for People of Size and Those Who Love Them”, which is recently revised and reissued. As far as I know the only book of its kind.
Every grown woman needs sex toys… AFFIRMATIVE!!